What is Anisotropy ? |
Anisotropy means predictable variation of a property of a material with the direction in which it is measured, which can
occur at all scales. For a crystal of a mineral, variation in physical properties observed in different directions is anisotropy.
In rocks, variation in seismic velocity measured parallel or perpendicular to bedding surfaces is a form of anisotropy.
(Compare with homogeneity.)
The figure below depicts the definition of anisotropy;
The figure below depicts the definition of anisotropy; |
Anisotropy and isotropy can depend on scale. While a single crystal can be anisotropic, many crystals together can
form an isotropic or homogeneous layer within an otherwise anisotropic rock.
The property of being anisotropic means having a different value when measured in different directions.
In physics, anisotropy means the quality of exhibiting properties with different values when measured along axes in
different directions. Anisotropy is most easily observed in single crystals of solid elements or compounds, in which atoms,
ions, or molecules are arranged in regular lattices. In contrast, the random distribution of particles in liquids, and
especially in gases.
Noise Log is a very smart tool used to identify gas, oil, and water leaks behind casing, possible gas channeling through annulus, gas leak through down hole packers, and Liner Hangers. We can quantify the gas rate. |
Estimated time Oil left for Human Race on Earth
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